A Woman of Wisdom and Strength

Photo by D. Cain (Unsplash)

As Mother’s Day approaches, I like to remember the women who have influenced my life. Those who took the time to share their wisdom, provided loving direction, and helped me understand what is important. Margie is one of these women and I’d like to share her story.

Margie has been a part of my life since I was a child.

She was a big woman with a round face encircled with tight gray curls. She was most frequently seen in public with a wig pulled neatly on her headshort brown hair going in every direction. Yet in the comfort of her home, her wig would be quickly pulled off and tossed on the kitchen table.

Margie was my mother’s best friend and the grandmother I never had. She was the one person my mother relied on when everything around her was falling apart.

When my father lost himself over another love, she helped to bring justice—an icepick does wonders to car tires and the angry wrath of a dishonored wife. When it was time to celebrate birthdays, Margie helped to plan surprises, wrestling oversized birthday cakes in the back of her small car. And when my dad found his senses, she was the first to encourage Mom to forgive.

Margie was a stable force in my family.

Reflections of her through the eyes of my childish mind always bring memories of her hands. I know it is a strange focal point but you have to understand, her hands represented so much to me.

They were large and powerful from years of manual work, wrinkled and weathered from time spent in the sun. They told her story, each line, blemish, and crack.

Her large frame would envelop you when she gave you a hug but her hands…

They provided guidance, one placed on each shoulder, redirecting you when you were pushed precariously off your path. Their strength helped to reassure you and give you balance. They were weighty and a constant reminder that she was available, ready to support, a fixture in your life.

Margie raised her children alone and worked hard to provide for her family and her children’s families. She scratched, saved, and sacrificed to make ends meet, yet each day she woke early, faithfully, determined to make the most of each minute.

Her life was not easy. Yet, she had an inner joy. A peace that was consistently visible, even during sickness, recurrent delays, and frequent hardships.

As a young woman, I spent time with Margie. We would sit on her front porch, drinking tea from her favorite plastic glasses, and she would teach. Not the type of stuff you learn from the halls of academia but the curriculum that life experience brings, suffering brings—the lessons you can only know when you’ve been pushed beyond yourself.  

One afternoon while she was shelling peas, recently picked from her garden, I asked Margie, how do you do it? How do you get up every day, face the struggles you do, and still have a smile?

She looked up from the bowl nestled between her legs, peaked from under her sunhat, and said,

“God never promised easy! He told me he would be with me, and that’s all I need.”

Life can be difficult, whether from personal crises, poor choices, or natural catastrophes.

It is hard being human.

But Margie was right. God never promised easy. He never promised our dreams or desires were going to materialize. He never guaranteed wealth, status, or professional success. But he did promise that he would be with us through our lives, despite personal disappointments, and in the face of our struggles. He assured us that he would never leave us, never forsake us. 

John 16:33 reminds us,

“I have told you these things so you may have peace in Me. In the world you will have much trouble. But take hope! I have power over the world!”

New International Version (NIV)

Margie trusted that God’s power would prevail in her circumstances. Her faith was demonstrated in the way she walked through the world. Keeping her heart and hands focused on doing his will.

But I routinely have to ask myself, do I truly believe God will provide? Do I trust that his power is sufficient for my challenges? Does he love me enough to come through, even when I can’t see him working or feel his presence?

I encourage you to take time this week to search your heart. Challenge yourself to face what you are placing your trust in and wrestle with what you’re allowing to direct your life. You may be surprised at what you discover.

And as you reflect on where you stand, remember, that God never promised easy but please don’t forget,

He will walk with you on your current path or any future intersection you may face.

He will help you carry every burden, even when you try to do it on your own.

And he loves you, even when you feel unlovable.

He does all this because you are His BeLOVED!

Be Blessed,

One thought on “A Woman of Wisdom and Strength

  1. Julie

    Allison, this was great. Thank you for this and all of your blogs. They are so encouraging and real!! Love you, Julie


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