Stray Dogs and God’s Loving Direction

Photo by A. McCormick

I know this is going to be a little difficult to believe but it happened AGAIN!

I was talking with my husband in his office and happened to look out the window. I noticed a small black dog lying in the street next to a truck parked on the curb. My husband and I watched for a while and finally, my lets-go-fix-this brain got the best of me and I headed out the door. Once across the street, the pup was quite hesitant to allow me to approach and after 10 minutes, he ran around the corner and down the street. I tried to pursue but he was gone.

Fast forward a few hours and I’m sitting in my husband’s office (Yes, I visit him frequently) and again looked out the window and there was the dog again. It was sitting in the same spot as earlier in the day but this time a woman and her pup had stopped to try to help. I head back out the door. But this time I was smart. I stopped long enough to grab a bowl of water and an old leash from our garage.

After about 30 minutes of coaxing, a fit of squirming and biting at anything trying to come close, the woman and I had the leash attached to the dog’s collar and he was walking like an old pro. I led him into our backyard and then into our house. He settled down, started exploring each room, and finally found my husband, who was still in his office. We talked about our next steps and both agreed we would not make the same mistake we did with the girls. We would take him directly to our animal shelter and allow the process of finding his home to begin immediately.

As we got into the car and headed toward the shelter, the pup calmed right down. He obviously enjoyed riding in a car, settling into the back seat and even catching a quick nap. Once there, he hopped out of the car, made his way to the office, and nestled close to my feet. The squirming biting animal had mellowed and as I bent down to say goodbye, he nuzzled close, licking me on the nose. His eyes had calmed and softened and he left the office never looking back.

I’ve said this before, I think God has an amazing sense of humor and an even more incredible display of patience. Sometimes it takes me a while to get stuff. To understand the lessons he is trying to teach me. To let go of whatever emotion is holding me back. Today, through another visit by a stray dog, he reminded me that I don’t have to hold onto everything that comes my way. I can help, support, and even patiently sit for just the right moment to courageously act. But I can also let things go.

By the way, very few tears were shed today. A few lumps in my throat but my tears were replaced with an awareness that I am growing, just a little but nonetheless, growing, and that is a blessing.

Remember, not everything that comes your way is meant for you to hold on to. Sometimes, it comes and goes to show you God remains in control and that he’s still involved in the intricate details of your everyday. Sometimes it comes to help you see you are getting stronger. Whatever the reason, you can always be assured there are no coincidences, no random chance, only God being God.

Be blessed,

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